Tuesday, April 24, 2012

One of those Weeks

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. Life has been crazy, I'm sick all the time, and I've been eating like crap. I've only purged once sense last Tuesday but have been binging off and on all week. I've also been spotting bright red off and on also which I think has helped with not purging . I'm a little freaked out about it. I never spot during a pregnancy except for when I had my miscarriage.

I was going to only have non calorie liquids today and tomorrow but in my brain damaged mind I had a large breakfast. So, now I will start and run off what I ate this morning.

I never have energy until after noon which makes it hard to get anything done. I have a list of stuff that must get done today and not motivation to do anything of it. I just want to sleep.

I feel like all I do is complain these days. I wish I could have a few good days in a row and have something good to talk about. Like having some freaking control over my eating and losing some weight. I still haven't been able to stick to the 1000 cals which was my goal. Makes me feel like a complete failure. I hate the way I look and I know I've gained. I've been to scared to weigh in though. I've been craving salty everything and I know I'm retaining water. My feet, hands, and face look like swishy marshmallows. I'm also showing quite a bit which isn't helping my feel good about myself. I feel like an Umpa Lumpa. Ick!

Anyone have any tips on how to NOT give in to craving and acting like a nasty pig? I really need to lost some weight. I know I'm going to gain with the pregnancy but because I'm heavier, I should be able to lose some also. I'd like to be 150 by the end of the pregnancy. With training for the half marathon this shouldn't be to hard, but ONLY if I can stop eating like a whale!


  1. Have you tried tea? Some are not good for you when you're pregnant, but there are others you can drink. I drink tea now when I want to binge. It helps take away the cravins. If you're spotting, that worries me a bit. Have you called your OB yet to talk to them about it? Have you had your first appt with them? Keep me updated hun.

  2. Yeah, sometimes it helps, other times it doesn't. I have my first appt with my midwife tomorrow. Super excited about it. We've never had a midwife before but had looked into it many times. I'll keep you updated.

    1. I had a midwife with my oldest. I started with one with my youngest but they had to move me to high risk.

    2. Really?! That's awesome. Did you do the whole home birth thing too? Which did you like better, hospital or home birth?
