Tuesday, April 10, 2012

New Plan

I've decided I need to make a new plan. I've been thinking about my goals and this marathon I'm doing. Aim is right, I need to be eating more if I'm going to pull this off. However, a higher cal diet kinda freaks me out. These past few days have been hell with all the binging, thinking of continuing to eat alot really bothers me. How can I lose weight eating more?! So...here's the plan...I'm going to keep it simple. 1500/2000cals on running days and 1000cals the other days.

Man that seems like so much! But if I look at it from the binging side, this is like 1/4 of what I have been eating. ~sigh~ ...and ick! haha That's gross to think about. I've written up a base meal plan so there isn't much thinking about what I'm going to eat.

Breakfast: PB toast and a banana
Snack: Apple, a few triscits or wheat thins (these are high in fiber and are super yummy)
Lunch: Fish or chicken beast, veggies, a serving of V8 juice (the fruit and veggie blend)
Snack: Yogurt, a few triscits or wheat thins, or mixed nuts
Supper: 1/2 to 1 cup of whatever the main dish is for the night, a veggie

Another thing I need to do is reward myself when I hit my goal weights, and not reward with food. Any ideas for some fun rewards? I know clothes will be one. I'm in need of some new jeans but have been waiting to get to 150 for that. That's all I got. :-)

Here's to having a good week!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on your new plan sweetie! I've never done the reward system. I kind of wished I had. What about a spa day? I know mommy's need spa days every once in awhile. Hope you can figure it out! =)
