Saturday, April 14, 2012

Well This is Interesting

There's never a dull moment around here. I just found out I'm pregnant. Took a test last night when I realized I was a couple days late. I had been spotting so I figured it was right around the corner, but it never came. Which also explains the random bouts of nausea I've had the past week. I though it was maybe do to the binging and purging so I didn't think anymore about it...until last night.
I definitely have mixed feelings. Yes, Dean and I are very happy to have another child on the way. However, with my ED out of control I'm a little worried. Will I be able to lose weight in a healthy way? What will happen if I can't stop the binge/purge cycle? How much does restricting hurt the baby? Maybe I'll magically be cured...haha I wish. The last time my ED was out of control I got pregnant shortly after. I don't know what happened but during that pregnancy I didn't seem to worry about my weight. I don't know if it will be that easy this time.

There's also the marathon I'm training for. I know you can run when pregnant but can you run 13 miles at 7 months along? haha This will be interesting to say the lest.


  1. Congratulations on the new baby. I'm sorry I have no ideas to help put your mind at ease when it comes to your ED and the new baby.

    1. Thanks. This is new to me with my ED and being pregnant. I need to look up some info on it. I'm not to worried as I've learned that baby inside is very derable. I do want to be as safe as possible though.
