The past few months have been a roller coaster of weight loss hell. I can't seem to get a handle on moderation. I'm either restricting or binging/purging. I hate throwing up so I try to just not eat but then I end up caving after a few days and eat everything in sight. The past month I started purging after binging. Something I haven't done in years. I hate what it does to my teeth, my throat, and everything else. Yet I can't seem to stop myself if I go on a big binge. I'd rather just have the will power to not eat...ever.
I just restarted The Lord's Table Course which is a Christ centered eating program which focuses on seeking God in times of temptation instead of just "will power." I'm not doing the full course just the meal plan. I'm on day 5 without messing up which is awesome because I always cave on day 3. Here is the plan. It's a 60 day course. I'm hoping to complete it without screwing up. I took a few days off due to holidays and my weekend off but other then that I'm sticking to it. I WILL be thin but the time we go camping the beginning of June.
2 half days (3 meals with portions divided in half) 750 cals
2 liquid days (one regular solid meal and liquids through the rest of the day) ...Funny, I just saw that I could have one regular meal on these days. haha I think I'll skip the meal anyway. Liquids can be broth, juice, tea, water. No soda, coffee, protein shakes, or alcohol.
2 normal days (without overeating) I give myself 1500 cals these days
1 fast day. Only water. Small supper to break the fast.
The rule is to not have two of the same days back to back. This is what I'm doing.
Half day
Liquids day
Normal day
Fast day
Normal day
Half day
Liquids day
I had started the abc diet but then switched over to this one. I don't know why I switched, but I did. I don't think it matters that much. It's still going to be hard as hell.